This monument, located in front of the Caswell County Court House as a memorial to the county’s Confederate veterans, displays a Confederate soldier standing atop a pedestal. The bronze soldier looks northward and defiantly grasps his gun in both hands while he steps forward with his left foot. He wears the Confederate uniform complete with hat and is depicted as a man with high cheekbones, a full mustache, and a goatee.
Confederate monuments in North Carolina erected in the years prior to World War One frequently reflected bitterness and praised the rectitude of the “lost cause.” The inscription on this later monument was written by Reverend James Preston Burke of Reidsville and described as “deeply thoughtful.” That it focuses on the sincerity and steadfastness of the soldiers more than the division caused by the Civil War, reflects a more moderate view, perhaps brought on by the unifying effects of the United States participation in World War One.