Petition to Remove Confederate Monuments Map Toolkit Learn News About the Campaign to Remove Confederate Monuments In numerous counties across North Carolina, Confederate Monuments occupy public spaces, including prominent placement on courthouse grounds. Confederate Monuments project the legacies of slavery and white supremacy; they are and are intended to be cultural symbols of racism; most of which were erected decades after the Civil War during the Jim Crow and Civil Rights eras. Those guarding the entrance of courthouses were intended as powerful messages of terror and injustice to all Black people who entered. They negate the very ideal of equal justice for all. That is their purpose. The North Carolina Commission on Racial and Ethnic Disparities (NC CRED) has called for the removal of Confederate monuments in public spaces. We believe such monuments have no legitimate place on public property and especially not inside or in front of courthouses.The Petition More than 150 years after the Civil War, there are still confederate monuments across North Carolina, with more than 40 being in courthouse spaces. Racial justice activists have been working for decades to remove these monuments and other related symbols that represent a sanitized version of a violent insurrection led by men fighting against the United States, not for it. These monuments ignore the very real trauma and horror of enslavement and the terror that they actually stand for. Confederate monuments do not honor our heritage; they perpetuate white supremacy. Removing them will not erase history. Instead, it will create history as we endeavor to right the wrongs of what they represent. Their presence at courthouses undermines our country’s aspirational goal of guaranteeing equal justice under the law, something that cannot be realized as long as people of color have to walk past monuments to white supremacy to enter a courthouse. We believe that the government should not honor people whose main accomplishment was insurrection and treason, all in defense of slavery. Sign our petition to tell your local elected officials that you support the removal of these monuments from courthouse spaces and join us in urging them to fight for racial justice.Name* First Last EmailWe will send you information about opportunities and events in your community to help remove Confederate monuments. PhoneLet’s talk. We won’t be a bother and will only call or text when it’s important.Zip Code By completing this form, I agree to receive occasional emails per the terms of NC-CRED’s privacy policy. If I have entered a phone number, I allow NC CRED and their respective representatives to call or text me about ways to take action and to support the NC CRED organization.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ