The monument was installed and dedicated in two separate events separated by more than ten years. The installation and dedication of the cornerstone was planned for Wednesday, September 18, 1912 in conjunction with the local annual reunion of the H. M. Shaw Camp of Confederate veterans. A newspaper account of the planned activities reported that the festivities included an invitation for the D. H. Hill Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy to be present along with appropriate services, speeches, and exercises. A “basket picnic” was planned for the courthouse grounds, along with music and an address by Herbert Peele of Currituck. Additional speeches were to be given by Attorney A. M. Simmons, the Rev. A. A. Crater, and Dr. Julian D. Maynard to the glory of the monument, the South, and the bravey of Currituck County.
The monument was completed in 1923 with the installation of the granite sphere.