The gray marble obelisk stands on a gray granite base with a total height of twenty feet. The foundation block is four feet square. The base is made of two blocks with the lower one three feet square by ten inches high. The top block with the inscription is two feet square by twenty five inches high with the obelisk resting on top. Identical inscriptions appear on the front and back.
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The project, when announced, was to erect a monument to the memory of every “Confederate soldier from Maine to Texas.” It was also noted that “the men who wore the blue and gray are brothers again. It is right that the brave men who laid down their lives on both sides of the question should be remembered.”
The Old Henderson County Courthouse is now home to the Henderson County Heritage Museum. Beginning with the Confederate Monument on the right a series of tributes to veterans called “The Honor Walk” extends towards and around the left side of the building. The Confederate monument is the oldest. It was rededicated on April 13, 2008.
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