The monument is surmounted by a Confederate soldier, private in rank, at parade rest with musket in hand. The monument consists of a triple base, die stone and cap, a tapered spire with cap and the statue on top. The total height is 27 feet including the statue at 6 feet 6 inches tall. Two cannons, originally loaned by the U.S. Government, mounted on steel casings and granite bases, flank the monument pointing northeast and southeast.
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According to the United Daughters of the Confederacy, twenty-eight soldiers who died during the war were buried in Statesville. In 2006, a Mr. Stan Clardy approached the Iredell County Commissioners with a request to place a rededication marker at the base of the monument as part of the celebration of its 100th anniversary in May of that year. The planned wording would be “Centennial and Rededication of Monument – In memory of the Iredell County Confederate Soldiers, May 6, 2006, Deo Vindice.” The cost would be covered by private donations and sales of advertisements and commemorative items. The board approved the request, 5 votes to 0.
The statue was carved in Vermont.
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